How to Get ARCs of Books: Unlocking Advanced Reader Copies

Many Books at the Table

Are you an avid reader hoping to snag those coveted Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of upcoming books? The quest to acquire ARCs might seem mysterious and exclusive, but it’s more about persistence, strategy, and a consistent reviewing habit.

The Quest for ARCs: A Reviewer’s Journey

As a reader and reviewer, the journey to accessing ARCs often begins with digital platforms like NetGalley and BookSirens. NetGalley, an exceptional resource for e-books, connects readers with a plethora of books from numerous publishers. However, securing approvals relies on building a reputable reviewer profile with a strong review count and maintaining a high review ratio.

Reviewer-Requested Sites


NetGalley serves as a mecca for reviewers, offering an extensive range of books from various publishers. Getting approvals involves showcasing reliability, consistency, and a well-maintained review ratio.

Creating a NetGalley account is the initial step. Make your reviewer page publisher-friendly and start browsing for books, but avoid overwhelming yourself by requesting too many titles at once.


BookSirens offers a platform for reviewers to request and review books, enhancing your reviewer status as authors visit your page based on your preferences.

Exploring Tour Companies

Tour companies such as Rockstar Book Tours and Storygram Tours align with significant publishers, granting reviewers access to a wide array of books. These companies are fantastic avenues for both e-books and physical copies, offering diverse genres and frequent opportunities.

Tour companies like Goddess Fish Promotions, iRead Book Tours, and Silver Dagger Book Tours cater to indie and small publishing houses. These companies predominantly offer e-books and facilitate exposure for your reviews.

Contacting Publishers: A Cold Call Approach

Reaching out directly to publishers can be likened to a cold call. While it may not yield immediate results, it occasionally leads to rewarding relationships and unexpected bookmail surprises.

Crafting a compelling email to publishers, introducing yourself as a reviewer, and expressing genuine interest in a book can sometimes result in receiving ARCs.

Other Ways to Get ARCs of Books

Joining Book Blog Tours

Participating in book blog tours allows reviewers to access pre-released copies in exchange for honest reviews during the tour period. Numerous book blog tour companies like The Write Reads and Hear Our Voices organize tours for various genres and readerships, providing opportunities to engage with new releases.

Requesting Directly from Authors

Engaging directly with authors by reaching out through social media, email, or their websites can sometimes lead to acquiring ARCs. Express your enthusiasm for their work and offer to provide a review, showcasing your dedication to sharing honest feedback with your audience.

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Utilizing LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers Program

LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers Program offers readers the chance to win free books, including pre-released titles, through monthly book giveaways. By signing up and requesting books that interest you, you might receive an ARC to review and share your thoughts.

Exploring Edelweiss+

Similar to NetGalley, Edelweiss+ provides access to pre-released books and digital galleys from various publishers. Creating a professional profile and requesting specific titles aligned with your reading interests might grant you access to ARCs.

Connecting with Bookish Communities

Engaging actively in bookish communities like Goodreads groups, subreddit forums dedicated to book reviewing, or online book clubs might lead to valuable insights on securing ARCs. These communities often share tips, opportunities, and strategies for obtaining advanced copies.

Attending Book Events and Conferences

Participating in book-related events, such as book fairs, conventions, or author signings, can present opportunities to connect with publishers, authors, and industry professionals. Networking at these events may occasionally result in obtaining ARCs or establishing future contacts for review copies.

Remember, while acquiring ARCs can be exciting, it’s crucial to uphold ethical reviewing practices, maintain communication with publishers and authors, and deliver reviews as promised. Building a credible reputation as a reviewer through consistency and quality reviews is key to sustaining ARC opportunities.


Gaining access to Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) is an exhilarating opportunity for book reviewers and enthusiasts alike. By leveraging online platforms like NetGalley, BookSirens, and various book blog tour companies, reviewers can immerse themselves in pre-released titles across genres.

Additionally, proactive communication with publishers, participation in bookish communities, and engagement with authors can open doors to acquiring ARCs. Remember, while the quest for ARCs might seem thrilling, maintaining professionalism, fulfilling review commitments, and delivering honest feedback are essential to nurturing lasting relationships with publishers and authors.

Each avenue explored in obtaining ARCs presents its own unique approach, requiring persistence, dedication, and consistency in reviewing practices. Embracing these strategies and ethical reviewing habits not only enriches your reading experiences but also contributes to the literary community by sharing valuable insights and opinions.

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