New books


Exciting news for all lovers of reading! At our book fair, we are constantly updating our catalog, bringing you the latest and most exciting works from talented authors.

Discovering New Horizons

In this section you will discover personalized recommendations from our editorial team, selected with love and attention to every detail. These books are a real opening for your literary horizons.

Exclusive Premieres

Prepare to meet those who are just beginning their journey in the world of literature. Our exclusive premieres give you a unique opportunity to meet talented new voices.

Top Authors, Contemporary Explorations

Our New Releases section features the work of iconic authors who continue to amaze and inspire with their creations. Discover the latest masterpieces from literary giants.

Themed Collections

We’ve created themed collections so you can easily find books that match your interests. Whether it’s sci-fi novelizations, the best love novels, or thrillers, we have everything you need.

Regular Updates

We pride ourselves on bringing you new releases not only periodically, but regularly. Every week, we update our catalog so that you always have access to the latest literary sensations.

Do not miss the opportunity to keep abreast of literary trends. Immerse yourself in a world of fresh ideas, compelling plots and unique voices. Welcome to the exciting adventure of reading at our book fair!