What We Harvest by Ann Fraistat: a Blend of Magic & Suspense

Woman is Holding Lens in the Forest

Dive into the eerie and captivating world of “What We Harvest” penned by the talented Ann Fraistat. This thrilling debut novel merges family dynamics, friendship, chilling horror, and a dash of magic, presenting a narrative that keeps readers at the edge of their seats. Let’s embark on an exploration of this gripping tale and the elements that make it a standout in the realm of YA fiction.

The Intriguing Plot of “What We Harvest” by Ann Fraistat

The story unravels in Hollow’s End, a quaint town characterized by its rich history and four prominent farms managed by founding families. However, an ominous blight casts a shadow over this picturesque setting, wreaking havoc on crops, animals, and even its inhabitants. 

As the blight engulfs the town, mysterious disappearances and eerie transformations grip the narrative, creating an atmosphere of palpable suspense.

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Exploring the Elements of Magic, Horror, and Relationships

Fraistat skillfully crafts a fast-paced narrative, seamlessly blending past and present, drawing readers deeper into the mystery. The unsettling nature of the blight, its eerie control over living beings, and the palpable tension create an enthralling experience. 

The standout feature lies in the intricate relationships between characters, offering depth and connection that resonate with readers, even extending to the bond between Wren and her faithful canine companion.

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Where to Find “What We Harvest”

Discover the gripping pages of “What We Harvest” on Amazon and Goodreads, immersing yourself in the eerie tale spun by Ann Fraistat.


“What We Harvest” by Ann Fraistat delivers an immersive reading experience filled with magic, horror, and the complexities of human connections. With its expertly crafted narrative and spine-tingling plot, this debut novel stands as a testament to Fraistat’s storytelling prowess. 

Dive into the mysterious world of Hollow’s End, where the secrets of the past demand resolution, leaving readers enthralled till the very last page.

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